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#74618 - Sarah started working at the cafe about 7 months after I had been there, and she was the perky girl you always see at those places that you suspect has been doing cocaine or drinking half the orders she makes. Hey, since he didn't give you a ride, you want me too? I only have a piece of shit Camero, but it get's me places. “Oh fuck, Sarah, I’m cumming…” I managed, hearing the most beautiful sound in the world come from her mouth “Mmhmm…” That’s all it took to push me over the edge and I began cumming, filling her mouth.

Read Vintage Britannia Tenseki Sai - Code geass Reality Britannia Tenseki Sai

Most commented on Vintage Britannia Tenseki Sai - Code geass Reality

So cute
Miyako miyazaki
Im so wet