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#469468 - when harvey came round to my house jason was already there we was all laughting and joking harvey walk over to me and gave me a kiss jason passed a comment saying queers harvey broke are kiss and said hey watch your mouth you jack ass i laughted and said harvey he was joking harvey looked shocked jason laughted and said im gay too harvey said ooo jason laughted again and said dont sweat it so we sat down and had are meal it was so much fun and jason went to the hotel he was stay at and me and harvey went to bed the next morning i woke up and harvey was asleep on the floor but when we went to bed last night he was in my bed i got out of bed and woke harvey up i asked him why are you on the floor harvey said to me because you kicked me out of bed babe i laughted we went down stairs and had breakfast harvey went home and got changed so i decided to go have a swim when harvey came back to my house he had a lot of magazines in his hands i asked what are they harvey ans

Read Banho Hina Iinchou Amae Heta Kokufuku Challenge | 日奈委員長的撒嬌困難克服挑戰 - Blue archive Trio Hina Iinchou Amae Heta Kokufuku Challenge | 日奈委員長的撒嬌困難克服挑戰

Most commented on Banho Hina Iinchou Amae Heta Kokufuku Challenge | 日奈委員長的撒嬌困難克服挑戰 - Blue archive Trio

Gaul galette des rois
I love this trio
I don t know where you find your dommes but you have always had the best i ve been a fan since the miss crystal days
Yea corona virus break